Our History

Our dynamics are clearly oriented and in continuous movement, by a Maxim that has been part of us, since the beginning of our activity in the world of cheese.

Also part of: both our future expectations and day-to-day decisions: "Believe, Bring Together and Share..." has accompanied and motivated us since our birth as a company, back in the difficult but beautiful spring of 2008. .

and because...?


- In respect for tradition and nature.

- In the conservation of rural environments and landscapes linked to the European cheese-making tradition, promoting sustainability and attachment of the population to the territory.

- In the conservation of native breeds and in the extensive and free management of animals.

- In grazing and the importance of good healthy nutrition for livestock.

- In transterminance, transhumance and grazing as a sustainable and effective method in preventing forest fires, which greatly affect ancestral traditions.

- At the fair price of artisanal cheeses with a marked added value.

- In raw milk and its sensitive potential to transmit and evoke its origins. In the great importance of refining cheeses and their good conservation and handling so that they can reach the consumer and be a good reflection of their territory.

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- And providing those cheeses with marked added value to both distributors and other intermediary agents that participate in the distribution chain, supporting them and accompanying them at all times with a good product prescription, so that they can transmit all their potential and differential message with greater success. and knowledge.

- Through all types of non-profit activities, such as: conducting guided tastings of very special cheeses in different Spanish regions, collaborations with educational entities, advice on assembly and balanced product offering, training of teams to optimize sales .

As well as being part of prestigious tasting panels, both regional, national and international, always highlighting artisanal cheese factories and well-made, expressive and unique cheese.

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Link origin and final consumer, understanding that the best way to encourage consumption and to value and appreciate this type of food is through their involvement and knowledge.

- We visit and establish close collaborations with our producers and tuners.

- We select specific batches of raw milk cheeses at origin, being aware of their possible organoleptic variability, mainly due to their seasonality.

- We provide our facilities with the optimal atmospheric conditions necessary to preserve and mature cheeses. (Different chambers with temperature, relative humidity and ventilation controls).

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Our team...

... is trained and prepared to handle correctly, both health-wise and professionally, maintaining rigorous food traceability at all times.

  • Mario Romero

    Founder & Fromager

    From heaven to cheese with some layovers...

Expresiones de autor

Our cheeses are intended for the most specialized businesses