

CasArrigoni is the "place" our family lives during decades, in Peguera, province of Bergamo, where and ripens the cheese in the mountains, according to the most strict traditional principles.


From the family of cow "erborinato" cheeses, Gorgonzola Dolce is a variant of traditional Gorgonzola DOP, (spicy Gorgonzola). The "dolce" was born in the second half of the 20th century, becoming the most appreciated by consumers. The main technical difference in their creamier version of spoon "cucchiaio" consists of the amount of serum that remains, which makes the dough is spreadable and softer, with a more delicate flavor. In artisanal production the process is made entirely by hand, the product finish is smoother and creamier, defined as "Scappante"

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