
Gourmet Quesos 2024 Edition

Follow me as a fromager judge in the 14th Gourmet Quesos edition in Madrid

Gourmet Quesos 2024 Edition

One more edition GourmetQuesos returns to choose the best national cheeses, evaluating aspects such as the rind, color, texture, smell, flavor, aftertaste and persistence of each of the samples.

As a novelty, this year the ICEX, Spain Export and Investment, launches category: “Cheese from Spain Awards”, which aims to support Spanish producers with export capacity (to participate in this category you must first register on the Salón Gourmets website and then on the ICEX website at the following link as well as on the ICEX website).

The championship consists of two phases: Semifinal: On March 5 and 6, the 100 finalist cheeses are chosen (5 per category). Final: In the Gourmets Hall, the winners of the 20 categories are chosen. The first classified in each one will be examined by 20 judges who will choose the “Best Cheese in Spain”.

It has been a pleasure to share a table with the rest of my colleagues. To be continued...

Nuestros quesos van dirigidos al sector más especializado